<p><strong>Enabling Change, Revitalizing the </strong><strong>Product Safety </strong></p>

Enabling Change, Revitalizing the Product Safety


Products Safety & Logistics

Research and Studies

Smart Solutions to Facilitate the Entry of Product in the Saudi Market

 Catalyzing Change in Product Safety

Previously, importing products or selling them in the Saudi market required direct contact with conformity bodies to issue the required certificates for the products. This process increased for product conformity costs and delayed clearance, in addition to the possibility of products that do not comply with technical regulations entering the Saudi market.


When Technology Meets Human Capabilities

To Achieve the Highest Level of Product Safety

Through these challenges, Saber platform was launched to clarify and automate compliance procedures with the aim of enhancing product safety and reducing compliance costs. On this basis, THIQAH and SASO collaborated to launch Saber to facilitate the registration of conformity certificates and shipment certificates, aiming to enhance the import experience, protect consumers from products that do not conform to technical regulations, and integrate with relevant authorities. As a result, Saber has achieved many accomplishments, such as:

  • Raising the product conformity indicator to 83.14%.
  • Supporting the competitiveness indicator for cross-border trade by 72 ranks (from 158 to 86).
  • Building a database of products in the Saudi market.
  • Achieving the “Technical Excellence Award” at the Middle East level for the year 2022.


New Achievements to Expand in the Tech Field

Since its launch, Saber achieved great numbers, reaching more than 93K beneficiaries, with more than 7.3M products registered, more than 3.3M shipment certificates issued, and more than 1.7M conformity certificates issued. Saber added immense value to the Saudi market, as these achievements contributed to raising compliance with technical regulations for consumer products.